Institute Park, Berhampur, Odisha-761008, India


Our faculty members driving the mission of NIST University are not only passionate teachers, but mentors, researchers and thought leaders who have been educated and trained in some of the best educational institutes in India and abroad. Our experienced faculty are involved in several activities apart from teaching. They are involved in mentoring and counselling the students. Through several club activities they inculcate hands-on learning in the students.

Dr. Priyadarsan Patra
Vice Chancellor|
Dr. P. Rajesh Kumar
Dean of Academics
Dr. Brojo Kishore Mishra
HOD, Computer Science & Engg.
Dr. Souren Mishra
HOD, Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Barada Prasad Sethy
HOD, Civil Engineering
Dr. Rajesh Kumar Patjoshi
Dr. Sasmita Padhy
HOD, Electrical Engg.
Dr. Pramath Nath Acharya
Dr. Duryodhan Sahu
HOD, Chemistry
Dr. Subrata Sahu
HOD, Mathematics
Dr. Simanchalo Panigrahi
HOD, Physics
Dr. Sabyasachi Rath
HOD, English
Dr. Amit Patnaik
HOD, Biotechnology


Prof. Durga Misra
Professor, Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, NJIT
Prof. Jay Bhuyan
Professor, CSE, Tuskegee University

Dr Bhaskar C Das
Assoc. Prof., Medicine, Nephrology & Pharmacology, ISMMS
Dr. Gordhan N. Patel
Founder of JP Labs,Research Associate Honeywell,NJ,USA


The research achievements of NIST is a success story in itself. The institute has carved out a reputation for itself in spite of a limited budget in this area. Our faculty transcend all barriers of domain and are deeply committed to the idea of research and research based teaching.


Fullbright Scholars

Post Doctoral Fellows

Faculty with PhD

Dr C Nahak
Boyscast Fellow
University of Virginia, USA
Prof. Ajit Kumar Panda
Boyscast Fellow
University of Michigan, USA
Dr A Pattnaik
Boyscast Fellow
University of New Mexico, USA
Dr M Reza
Boyscast Fellow
Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg,
Erlangen, Germany
Dr E Raja Rao
Fullbright Scholars
Manaswini Acharya
Fullbright Scholars
Anjan Dasgupta
Fullbright Scholars


Over the years, NIST has received several awards and accolades from various organizations throughout the country. The recent awards and accomplishments have brought NIST increased recognition in varied domains from renewable energy to ICT and from startup projects to IoT.

Young Scientist Awardees
Dr C Nahak
Dr Saroj Meher
Dr Motahar Reza
The Samanta Chandra Shekhar Orissa Young Scientist Award - 2006
Ms Anita Pati
Prof. R C Tripathy Young Scientist Award from OCS
Best Thesis Award
Name Department Award Organization Year
Dr B Pavan Kumar Dept. of Management Best PhD Dissertation Award among all PhD theses in the field of management in the entire country. National Academy of Psychology (NAOP), the apex body of psychological research in India. 2008
Fellowship to NIST Faculty
Name Department Fellowship Organization Year
Dr Debashis Panda Department of Physics Research Fellowship National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) Taiwan 2019
IASc-INSA-NASI Summer Research Fellowship University of Delhi 2016
Ms Ritwika Choudhuri Department of EIE IASc-INSA-NASI Summer Research Fellowship Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar 2016
Mr Tirtharaj Das Computer Science & Engineering IASc-INSA-NASI Summer Research Fellowship ISI Kolkata 2015
Other Achievements
Name Department Achievement Organization Year
Dr Motahar Reza Computer Science & Engineering Research scholarship Centre for Theoretical Studies 2009 - 2018
Prof. Ajit Kumar Panda Electronics & Communication Engineering Distinguished Lecturer IEEE Electron Devices Society, IEEE USA --
Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE --
Dr U K Misra Mathematics Nominated as an Editor American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics 2013


Physics of Semiconductor Devices
Physics of Semiconductor Devices
Physics of Semiconductor Devices
Dr Ajit Kumar Panda & B B Swain
Pub.: SIRI Publications
A Text book of Small 'C' Programs
A Text book of Small 'C' Programs
A Textbook of Small 'C' Programs
Dr Ravi P Reddy
Pub.: NIST Publications
English Vocublary For Readers
English Vocublary For Readers
An English Vocabulary Reader
Dr Ravi P Reddy
Pub.: NIST Publications
Probability And Stastics
Probability And Stastics
Probability and Statistics
Dr Purna Ch. Biswal
Pub.: PHI, New Delhi
Object Oriented Programming using C++
Object Oriented Programming using C++
Object Oriented Programming using C++
Mr Muktikant Sa
Pub.: SCITECH Publications
Web Designing
Web Designing
Web Designing
Mr K Lakshmi Narayana
Pub.: NIST Publications
MATLAB and Simulink
Dr Partha S Mallick
Pub.: SCITECH Publications
Operation Management
Operation Management
Operations Managements
Dr Sushanta Tripathy
Pub.: SCITECH Publications


Excellence in any branch of education depends on the quality of education and the real value of a college lies in its faculty members. NIST boasts of an accomplished faculty comprising dedicated professors supported by equally able and accomplished technical and laboratory staff.