"Focused on High Quality Learning, Creative Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Universal Partnership "


"A Research Institute Committed to Academic Excellence, Fundamental Research and Innovation, Nurturing Global Citizens, And Collaborative Engagement"


Belief: in respect, integrity, compassion, diversity, and teamwork
Excellence: in academics and research
Encouragement: for freedom of thought, expression, and view point
Spirit: of community, nation building, inclusive growth, and recognition of individual uniqueness
Truth: in the pursuit, dissemination, and application of knowledge



NIST University, Institute Park, Berhampur, Odisha was established in 1996 as the first NRI higher educational venture in the state of Odisha promoted by SM Charitable Educational Trust. The Trust was established in 1995 by Dr Sukant K Mohapatra and Ms Sanjeeta Mohapatra (both are NRIs based in US) as Founder/Donor Trustees. Dr Sukant Mohapatra is the founder chairman of the Trust and NIST supporting and providing visionary guidance for NIST to become a world class institute. NIST University is a premier research institute in the country today, nestled in the green hills of Pallur, spread over 65 acres of lush green campus with world class academic infrastructure, center of research excellence (CREs) and global innovation centers (GIC), halls of residence, sport complex and other facilities. It is the dream and vision of the founding members to build NIST as a center of academics and research excellence at par with international research universities in their home state of Odisha. NIST currently offers various undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. programs in Engineering, Science, and Management. NIST has set benchmark through its outstanding academic programs, quality education, and cutting-edge multidisciplinary research. NIST has research collaboration with universities around the globe and strong industry academia partnership with multiple industries in different sectors. NIST has produced over 18000 alumni who contribute globally in the areas of technology, leadership, entrepreneurship, social and public services. NIST has been ranked highly in the country by various ranking organizations like NIRF, ARIIA, and Times etc including Govt. of India.

Keeping true to its core value, mission and vision, NIST has become a top notch institute in the state and country since its establishment in 1996.


Ranking and Accreditation

  • NIST University Ranked AIR 38th among Top Engineering Institutes in India by TIMES Engineering Survey 2024.
  • NIST Transitions to NIST University by the Govt. of Odisha in 2024.
  • NIST University Ranked AIR 49th among Top Engineering Institutes in India by TIMES Engineering Survey 2023 .
  • NIST is an Autonomous Institute - Status accorded by University Grant Commission in 2018.
  • NIST is NBA accredited.
  • NIST is ranked 66th among Engineering colleges in India by DATAQUEST in 2020.
  • NIST is ranked 119th in All India Business Schools by Business Standard Survey 2020.
  • NIST is ranked 60th in all India by OUTLOOK in 2019.
  • NIST is ranked 69th by NIRF, MHRD (Govt. of India) and 1st among all engineering colleges under BPUT (Affiliating University) in 2016.
  • BPUT Students has ranked NIST as No.1 Engineering Institute among 100+ engineering institutes of Odisha through public voting.
  • NIST has bagged with the prestigious eINDIA 2013 Award at an event held in Hyderabad on July, 23 under the category of "Best Teaching Learning Institute".
  • NIST has bagged the "Best Technical Institute in R&D Activities" in the State of Odisha on the eve of Engineers' Day in 2013.

Our Students and Alumni

Since establishment of NIST in 1996, the reputation of the Institute has spread far and wide and it admitted students only from the top 20% of the Odisha Joint Entrance Examinations and All India Entrance Examinations.

Alumni of NIST have excelled in their professional careers in different areas with leadership position in companies in India and abroad, academics, research, public service, and entrepreneurship.

Our Faculties

Many of our faculties are educated and trained in top universities of India and abroad. The faculties are alumni of top tiers institutes in India (e.g., IITs, IISc, NIT, ISI, and Calcutta University etc.) and abroad. There are multiple visiting faculties from abroad.

  • Within a short span of 28 years, NIST has produced 4 BOYSCAST Faculty Scholars who have been funded by Government of India to pursue postgraduate research in the top Institutes in USA and Germany.
  • NIST has produced 3 Fulbright Scholars.
  • Three of its faculty has won the Samant Chandrasekhar Young Scientist Award given by the Government of Odisha.
  • Two AICTE funded Emeritus Professors worked at NIST.
  • The faculty of the Institute has been awarded 3 URSI Young Scientist Awards.
  • More than 25 Post doctorate scholarships have been awarded to the Institute faculty.
  • The faculties of the Institute have published more than 250 journal papers in refereed journals and are authors of about 24 books published by reputed publishing houses. The Institute also has its own publishing house "NIST Press".
  • The faculty of the Institute enjoys unlimited access to research journals, participate in conferences in India or abroad, awarded with initial research seed grants of Rs. 2 Lakhs each, financial remuneration for publication of books or research papers, state-of-the art laboratories, conducive work environment and other benefits.


NIST is a considered as a benchmark research institution in eastern India. NIST has collaborative research work with many top institutes in India and abroad. The Institute has recently signed MoU's for research collaboration in the field of nanoscience, communications, semiconductor technology with the National Taiwan University and University of Electro Communications, Japan. NIST in association with IIT, Kharagpur, is also part of the MHRD Virtual Laboratory project.

NIST has signed MoU with industries like Sankalp Semiconductors, Sandhur and SunMoksha for collaborative work in the area of Nano-technology and Renewal Energy. The Institute has received numerous research grants, projects, special funding, travel funding, SDPs, FIST grant, scholarships, etc., from the DST, CSIR, AICTE etc., and different companies.

National Level Laboratories

  • DST-FIST Center: Vector network Analyzer (up to Ku - band), BENCHMARK WiCOMM-T Wireless Digital Communication Training System, ASIC Tester Model: Nikki ASIC, VEE Software, Microstrip Antenna Fabrication Unit, Power Supply, Measuring instruments, Fibre Optics trainers, Microwave Test bench , Antenna Trainers for communication Lab
  • TIFAC CORE Centre: LTE Laboratory, WiMAX Laboratory, SDR Laboratory, MIMO & WSN Laboratory, Embedded System & VLSI Laboratory, Device Fabrication Laboratory, Measurement and Testing Laboratory.
  • Advance Computing Center: High Performance Computing Laboratory with 1 Master+3 Slaves High End Servers with 16 Core Processors in each server.
  • Centers of Excellence established in partnership with Industry such as CADENCE, IBM, SAP Asia Pacific, National Instruments, Texas Instruments, ARM, WIPRO. Other centers of excellence like Center of Mechatronics, Center of Image Processing & Cryptology, Center of Knowledge Engineering, Center of Industrial Automation Control, Center of Renewable Energy & Center of Nano Technology.

Research-led Teaching

Our institute prides itself in research-led-teaching. Student Research through Summer Internship & Research Assistantships and Teaching Assistantships have significantly led to academic rigor and competitiveness leading to student publications and more students opting for pursuing higher education. The teaching learning process has been significantly enhanced with the availability of NPTEL courseware (web based and video based), 600+ E-journals, E-books and video conferencing facilities which are being extensively used by all faculty and students. The unique product of NIST Technology Consulting Services (NTCS) called "Online Information Systems (OIS)" is currently being used by many colleges in Odisha for the management of the institutes. NIST is a leader in use of e-governance for providing an efficient and transparent mechanism to all its stakeholders.

ICT Enabled Higher Education

NIST has bagged the prestigious eINDIA 2013 Award at an event held in Hyderabad on July, 23 under the category of "Best Teaching Learning Institute" for its flagship product 'Online Information Systems (OIS)' implemented across the NIST campus. OIS provides "Innovative & Complete Educational Services for Students, Teachers, Parents and Management. NIST also received the ICT enabled Higher Education Institute award at the first Mega IT event, "eOdisha Summit, 2013" hosted by the Department of Information Technology, Government of Odisha.

Placement, Training, and Internship

The placement of students in NIST has been its crowning glory. Top MNCs, IT companies have recruited hundreds of students each year since its inception. For example, for the 2011 batch, Infosys hired 138 Students, Cap Gemini 129 Students, Wipro 88 Students, HCL 83 Students, Mahindra Satyam 55 Students, VLSI Companies 56 Students. This is indicative of Industry confidence in the Institute's graduates.

NIST has established long-lasting campus-corporate relationships with the top MNCs to train, develop, certify the graduating students every year. The Institute, in association with Infosys, Wipro, TCS, Mphasis, IBM, Cadence, British Council and others, trains its faculty and students on soft skills, domain enhancement programs, teaching learning processes, technology trends and leadership programs for top management. The Institute conducts rigorous Pre-Placement Training Programs for the B.Tech, MCA, M.Tech, MBA students throughout the academic year to make them Industry-ready. The Training and Placement Cell assists the faculty members to provide certification courses during summer vacation at NIST campus on industry oriented courses such as VLSI, Oracle, J2EE, Industrial Automation, SAP, Embedded Systems, Foreign Language (e.g., Japanese).

NIST students also work as interns in the top Institutes of India and abroad such as IIT, NIT, and ISI etc. on research-based projects under the guidance of eminent Professors as a part of Academic Internship Programmes.

Extra-Curricular Activities

The wholesome development of students is an avowed aim of the institute as enshrined in its vision statement. Students clubs such as Robotics Club, Renewable Energy Club, Astronomy Club, Electronics Club, Club Innova, Programming Club, and Club Excel add the technical zing to outside the classroom activities. The NIST Robotics club's entry was adjudged the Best Innovation Idea in Robocon 2010 at the national level. Techno fests, Sports Meets and Cultural Programs keep the spirit of competition in top gear among the student community. The ISTE chapter of NIST is the largest such chapter and has won 3 Best Chapter Awards. Similarly the only IEEE ED chapter in Odisha is in NIST.

Industry Academic Tie-up

TIFAC-Technology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council established its Rs. 9.15 crore Center of Excellence at NIST on 3G/4G Communication Technologies sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. The foundation of this mission rests firmly on the triangular linkage between the academic institution, industry and government. Its objective is to create a Center of Excellence for the growth of Indian Telecom Industry and be an Incubator for Emerging Technologies in the field of Communication.

Cadence, a global VLSI Tool Company, in association with NIST, Berhampur, Odisha got the Cadence Center of Excellence inaugurated at the NIST premises on 10th August 2010. This is the one and only Cadence Center in India apart from the one in China and Brazil.

The IBM Center of Excellence, the first of its kind in Odisha, was inaugurated at NIST by Himanshu Goyal, IBM Country Manager and Mr Vikash Manoria, IBM Academic Initiative representative on 27th October 2009. It is established to give students and faculty the opportunity to work closely with the industry and utilize both the resources in the best possible manner. IBM has donated software worth lakhs in the fields of database engineering, software engineering, web applications, etc. In addition, IBM key faculty is training our students towards certification. NIST faculty is working together with IBM trainers on key projects, sabbaticals, research, etc.

Similarly SAP, National Instruments, Texas Instruments, WIPRO Mission 10X Centre, academic institutions such as IIT, Kharagpur have collaborating with NIST on a number of R&D projects.

Incubators at NIST

The Institute has a strong entrepreneurial culture having established its DST and MSME funded incubator in the campus like K-Technologies, Solanix, Wiz-Biz Technologies. More than two dozen entrepreneurs among its alumni are testimony to its avowed aim of producing "job creators".
The Institute also has EDC and IIPC Unit for igniting entrepreneurial culture among the student communities. The institute has already applied for Technology Business Incubation (TBI Centre) to DST, Govt. of India for use of IT Solutions in Rural Problems.


The physical infrastructure at NIST is second to none. Nestled in the green hills of Pallur, the campus is spread over 60 acres and is home to 4000 students residing in the campus. A fully Wi-Fi campus with landscaped gardens, aquarium, parks, fountains, makes it a place full of joy of living amidst nature. The sports infrastructure of indoor games, swimming pool, floodlit tennis courts, basketball courts, cricket, and indoor stadium makes it a veritable paradise for sports lovers. The 4.3 lakh square feet of academic space makes it one of the largest in this part of the country.

NIST Family

NIST, in its 28 years of existence, has been an innovator in best practices. The unique administrative model of extensive decentralization of decision making and financial devolution of powers makes it an ideal ground for the development of leadership qualities. The organization's ability to engage everyone in most decisions is one of the core drivers for earning respect by demonstrating collaboration and creating and sustaining a great workplace. In addition, the youthful quality of its faculty and staff makes it dynamic and ready to respond to challenges. The feeling of "NIST Parivar" is noteworthy not as a mere slogan but something we breathe each moment of our lives. NIST management has not merely talked eloquently about its vision and mission but has actually walked the talk by shunning greener pastures in metros and elsewhere for the dream of establishing a world class institution in one of the most deprived parts of the country, Odisha.



NIST University has always aspired to create engineers and professionals who can take the challenge of the technological changes that are undergoing a sea change in each and every domain. NIST is a considered as a benchmark research institution in eastern India.

The placement of students in NIST has been its crowning glory. Top MNCs, IT companies have recruited hundreds of students each year since its inception. More than two dozen entrepreneurs among its alumni are testimony to its avowed aim of producing "job creators". The Institute also has EDC and IIPC Unit for igniting entrepreneurial culture among the student communities.

NIST, in its 28 years of existence, has been an innovator in best practices. One of the most prestigious in the list of achievements is the Grade 'A' accreditation bestowed upon NIST by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) of India (UGC) with the highest rating of 3.22 among all engineering colleges of Odisha. NIST has been ranked 69th at all India level and 1st Private Engineering College of Odisha based on NIRF rankings by MHRD, Govt. of India, 2016.

NIST students get the best academic training, research facilities to carryout fundamental research and innovation, along with overall personal development, opportunity to pursue their own interest and passion and most importantly to follow a career path prior to graduating at NIST.




The physical infrastructure at NIST is second to none. Nestled in the green hills of Pallur, the campus is spread over 60 acres and is home to 4000 students residing in the campus. A fully Wi-Fi campus with landscaped gardens, aquarium, parks, fountains, makes it a place full of joy of living amid nature. The sports infrastructure of indoor games, swimming pool, floodlit tennis courts, basketball courts, cricket, and indoor stadium (under construction) makes it a veritable paradise for sports lovers. NIST is the child of serenity. It's a mini nature carved from Mother Nature that laps it. The campus, just half-an-hour drive from the historical city of Berhampur, is inch-by-inch eco-friendly. We are pretty choosy about our architecture. And that's the reason every new design goes through a thorough process of scrutiny before finding approval. After all, houses speak volumes about their inmates.


LECTURE Hall Complex (LHC)

LECTURE Hall Complex (LHC) is a five-floored building of over 60,000 sq.ft. Furnished with all modern amenities, it houses a lot of our classrooms and our electronics, machines and computer science laboratories. It also houses the server room and the administrative section.

LECTURE Hall Complex



GALLERIA is a four-storied architectural marvel of over 100,000 sq.ft. It is one of our new additions. Galleria is one of its kind with 12 lecture halls and a 250-seat auditorium. The prestigious High-performance computing lab and the IBM Center for Excellence are housed in this building. The NIST Technology Consulting Services (NTCS) - the one-stop-shop for all our technology related issues - occupies a pride of place in the building.



OCTAGON is a multi-storeyed, multipurpose masterpiece. The structure echoes our strife to meet corporate standards in every little thing we do. Octagon houses a modern Computer Center, an Internet Room, a computerized Library, 2 faculty rooms, 5 classrooms, and a Cafeteria that can seat over 150 people at a time.




ATRIUM is the latest addition to our building infrastructure. This building houses the maximum number of classrooms in the campus amounting to 25, 11 laboratories including the Chemistry, Physics, Engineering drawing, C-lab, Language lab, etc., and 13 faculty rooms. The Student Activities Center is also located here. The NIST Business School with its own well-equipped library is also nestled in this sprawling building is a reflection of our tastes and ideas in embracing ultramodern architecture and latest technologies in our own classrooms and laboratories to impart quality education.



TIFAC The National Institute of Science and technology has been selected on 22 December, 2009, by TIFAC to set up a Center of Excellence in 3G/4G Communication Technologies, sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. TIFAC CORE building, therefore, is the most prestigious feather in our cap. With specialized laboratories equipped with the state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, the building is home to labs like VLSI, Antenna Fabrication, Device Fabrication, Embedded Systems, Nano-technology, Optical communication, and NI Lab View. Apart from these, the building also has 2 seminar halls, 4 classrooms, a conference room, a JRF room and a trainers' room.




The core building is the Center of Research and Excellence. This new five-story building has state of the art Research labs and the best equipment. Each room has data and power ports and most of the labs are outfitted with individual workstations.


The campus also houses a Workshop, an Advanced Research Center, an Entrepreneurship Development Center, a Facility Center, a Generator Room, a Transport Office, a Yoga Center, a Gymnasium and other amenities such as a book shop, a photocopy & jobwork center, and an ATM counter. The 1300-seated in-campus boys hostel is replete with all modern amenities. The on-campus girls hostel houses about 650 students. A semi-Olympic sized swimming pool has been added to the sports infrastructure. Work on an indoor stadium and a Staff-cum-faculty residential complex is in progress.