In 2017 the Institute has started its Science Program under the banner of School of Sciences with M.Sc program under Berhampur University. In 2018 it also got the affiliation for B. Sc. courses.

With a conspicuous beginning in the Core building, the new laboratories, class rooms, and library were designed by the visionary faculty team. The research activities gradually increased, and the department attained formidable reputation for the effort of its teacher and its finest teaching in the state of Odisha.

Department of Pure and Applied Physics

The Department of Pure and Applied Physics of National Institute of Science and Technology, Berhampur was started in the year 1996 as a part of the BTech programme. It has highly qualified and experienced faculty members. It is one of the most active departments of this institution. It is commendable that, the entire faculties are actively involved in research in various fields such as nano-electronics, Optics, and Nanotechnology. Already having 5 doctorates (50%), all the remaining faculty are pursuing their research and expected to be awarded PhD very soon. In this way, the department is heading towards the goal of attaining 100% doctorates as its faculty. In addition to the full strength of BTech of all branches for first year the department also providing MSc, BSc (Honours) with Berhampur University affiliation. The department is also very active in PhD programme.


  1. The vision of the Department of Pure and Applied Physics Physics is to furnish students to compete and contribute to the varying technology- centered advancements.
  2. To motivate the students to become technocrats, so that they become builders of modern society in general and the country at large.
  3. To train the minds of young engineers towards application oriented by providing students with multiple learning opportunities like Activity based learning, formal courses with integrated laboratory, virtual Lab, research projects and colloquium programs.


  1. To awaken the young minds and discover their talents both in theory and in practical Physics, through dedication to teaching, commitment to students and innovative instructional methods like physical demonstration, PPT and visual aids.
  2. To make vital contributions in areas of emphasis such as faculty, modern labs, Department library and demonstrate a high level of competence in the study of Engineering Physics.
  3. To promotes the highest ethical principles in scientific research, critical thinking, openness to social, scientific, technological and educational changes, as well as the working autonomy at the University, both scientific and educational.


To explore and extend high standards in teaching pedagogy. A variety of objectives are designed such as:

  1. To develop the sprit of enquiry.
  2. To assimilate education and research by incorporating recent discoveries, modern techniques into the curriculum.
  3. To encourage inter-disciplinary thinking by providing students with educational and research opportunities.