The Department of Civil Engineering was established in the year 2013 with 60 students with a view to contribute its modest share of Civil Engineering graduates for national needs. The students for the program are admitted through state level counseling based on their national level JEE rankings. The present intake of the department is 60 students. There are 18 faculty members and most of them are from IITs and NITs and other renowned Universities of the country.
The B.Tech curriculum involves an eight semester program which includes Solid Mechanics, Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Design of Structures, Construction Management, Geotechnical Engineering, Hydraulics Engineering and Environmental Engineering. The objective of the curriculum is to provide a platform for the students to develop skills and knowledge in Civil Engineering field. The students are groomed to be good civil engineers capable of taking up challenging assignments. Besides these, there are many ongoing construction projects going on in the campus and the students are actively participating in the ongoing field works and hence have gained a lot of field exposure.
Beyond the academic curriculum the department encourages the students to participate in different research works by providing research assistantship. The department guides the students to participate in technical events organized by IIT’s & NIT’s to enhance their technical skill and give them a better exposure with the recent advancements. Apart from these there is ASCE student chapter through which different technical talks from eminent professors from IIT’s, NIT’s are organized as well as different Industrial visit and practical exposures are provided to students to enhance their technical skill so that they will be pre ready to take up Industrial challenges after their course.
We also offer summer internship to students from top IIT’s, NIT’s and other Universities to carry out research work with our faculty members using the institutional infrastructure.
The Structural Engineering Laboratory serves a wide Spectrum of activities covering those related to teaching, Research, development, and consultancy. The primary activities include experimental studies on model/prototype of structural elements and assemblies under various static and dynamic loading conditions.
Transportation Engineering Lab has all the facilities needed for testing of materials such as soil, aggregate and bitumen used in highway construction. The facilities are also being used extensively for bituminous mix designs and pavement designs. The students get in depth training in the testing of properties of above materials in the lab.
This Laboratory has facilities for testing and research on the engineering behavior and fundamental properties of soil. It is equipped to test compaction, seepage, compressibility, deformation and shear strength, soil dynamics and ground improvement. Its ¬field operation unit has a full range of tools for sampling soils and rocks and conducting vane tests, cone penetration tests, triaxial test and standard penetration tests.
The Environmental Laboratory is equipped with instrumentation need for advanced chemical and biological characterization of water, wastewater and air samples. Environmental laboratory is updated with latest instruments and equipments like UV visible spectropho- tometer, Atomic absorpotion spectrophotometer and Digital spectrophotometer, BOD incubator, COD apparatus, pH meter & Nephelo turbidity meter.
Surveying laboratory has all the standard instruments Required for instructional purposes like electronics theodolite, EDM, Auto level, GPS, plane table, planimeter. The surveying course exposes students to the fundamental land surveying measurement methods and advanced techniques.
This laboratory is equipped with instruments which give clarity on basic concepts on mechanics of Civil engineering like analysis of trusses and various types of beams.
Students in our Department have the opportunity to actively experience research in four different research areas. As an undergraduate, you will take a variety of courses in each of these areas, and as a graduate student you will be able to specialize in the area that interests and inspires you most.
Structural Engineering:Structural engineers design buildings, br/idges, towers, and structures of numerous proportions. Structural engineers determine the forces that elements of the structure must resist, select the materials and dimensions so that the structure will safely withstand those forces. Mr.R.K.Ccoudhury, Mrs Madhusmita Mishra and Ms Ankita Suman Mohanty guided various structural projects like FRP,Self flow concrete,design of multistoried buildings.
Career Opportunities:Geotechnical engineers have a specialized knowledge of the properties and behavior of soils and rock. Working as a geotechnical engineer, you might be involved in the design of the foundation for a high-rise office tower, analyze the stability of a slope or fill, or predict the forces acting on the lining of a subway tunnel. Dr. U.N.Behra , Mr.K.C.Jena and Ms Monisha Mohanty guided various projects on design of foundations and soil stabilisation.
Career Opportunities:Water resources engineers deal with the control and utilization of water by society. They study the physical processes of water flow essential to the understanding, protection, and improvement of the environment. Water resources engineers develop solutions for flood control, water distribution, wastewater collection, irrigation drainage, river navigation, facilitation and hydroelectric power development. Mrs Padminee Samal works in the area of flood controland water distribution.
Career possibilities:
Transportation engineers plan and design street and highway systems, transit systems, airports, and railroads needed for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods. Here, you might be involved in the modeling and prediction of transportation demands; in the analysis of the traffic impact of a new development, industrial complex, or shopping centre; or in the design of traffic control and other operational measures.
Dr. Biswajit Samal works in area of Traffic impact.
Research is given equal importance in addition to academics, in the Department of Civil Engineering, NIST. The Faculty members of the department carry out both core and interdisciplinary research with other departments of the institute
With the boom in the construction industry, the demand for Civil Engineers is ever increasing. Civil Engineering students not only display a good understanding of subjects like Physics and Mathematics, but also showcase their talent in practical application of physical and scientific principles for solving the problems of society. Considered to be the second-oldest engineering discipline, Civil Engineering is the science of design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment. Applying the principles of geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, environmental engineering, transportation engineering and construction engineering, civil engineers take up residential, commercial, industrial and public works projects of all sizes and levels of construction. Therefore, they are considered to be specialists in construction activities like building roads, canals, br/idges, industrial estates, independent houses, apartment complexes, shopping complexes and cinema theatres, among others.