The Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in the year 2012 with 60 students in a view to contribute its modest share of Mechanical Engineering graduates for national needs. The students for the program are admitted through merit based counseling based on their national level JEE rankings. The present intake of the department is 120 students. There are 17 faculty members and most of them are from IIT’s and NIT’s and renowned universities across India.
The broad areas of teaching include Engineering Design, Thermal Engineering Sciences, Manufacturing Processes and Tools, Industrial Engineering and Mechatronics lab. Workshops, Machine shop, Thermal sciences lab, Metrology lab, Kinematics and Vibrations lab and CAD/CAM lab are all provided with the state of the art equipment for training the students. The department has a well-established computer center with adequate systems to cope up with all the latest CAD/CAM software.
The department is offering labs for all the free and professional elective courses in all the semesters. This is beyond the academic curriculm of the course. In order to encourage the students in activities other than regular academics, the department is running Robotics club and Society for Automobile Engineers (SAE India), which helps the students to unleash their potentialities and also have an interaction with wider student community through participation in workshops and competitions at national level. Summer trainings are offered to students apart form regular academic curriculum as value addition to the basic degree. The training primarily emphasizes on moulding the students to the requirements of the industry by making them conversant with the different software/hardware tools used in industry and Research & Development sectors. The areas offered in summer course are like CFD, Renewable Energy, FEM, Pro-E, CATIA, CNC Machining, Robotics, MAP, etc.
The Mechanical engineering department strives to be recognized nationally for outstanding education, and research blended with educational programs predicated in the core mechanical engineering discipline set within the background of tuned into important/critical societal needs to face future challenges and preparing them for diverse careers.
State the Program Educational objectives (PEOs)
Mechanical engineers will have the strong basic technical knowledge and are enough capable to build a core competency in specialized fields such as Design, Thermal, Production, Industrial and associate domains with the aid of current software tools to grow their knowledge and inspire lifelong learning.
Mechanical graduates will have good communication, leadership, team building, decision-making skills, problem-solving, and software and creative skills by understanding contemporary issues there by contributing to their overall personality and career development.
Personality Development of Mechanical graduates will have a distinct persona which can be developed, polished and refined by their skills in the diversified fields of Engineering where they can generate the solution to a society needs.
Mechanical Measurement Lab helps students learn the basics of precise and accurate measurement techniques. Measurement of different physical quantities such as mass, temperature, pressure, stress, strain etc. are done through various methods. Such knowledge is essential for an engineer involved with any type of precision equipment manufacturing or maintenance. For example A heavy industrial crane making a precise movement is carefully designed and calibrated by a competent engineer who has mastered this science.
A thermos flask that keeps tea hot for long or a cryo-chamber that keeps organs safe for doctors during transplant operations are made by a Mechanical Engineer. The insulator material needed for preventing heat loss is tested in a Heat transfer lab. This lab has equipment for measurement of heat transfer through different heat transfer modes such as conduction, convection, and radiation etc. Future engineers learn techniques of heat measurement and types of heat transfer. They also develop new and better materials for insulation which are tested here.
Students can understand the principles of refrigeration and air conditioning to maintaining temperature below ambient temperature and quality of air, to calculate the cooling load for different applications. They can select the right equipment for a particular application and design and implement refrigeration and air conditioning systems using standards, recognize Energy Conservation and Management and also study different properties of refrigerants. Students can also possess a sound understanding of the scope for Research and development in the field of R & AC.
Engineering thermodynamics lab gives the opportunity to learn about working with a different component in a steam power plant, automobile engines, and refrigerators. Students carry out experiments on refrigeration test rig, steam power plant, gear pump, air compressor, etc. Knowledge gained from this lab serves as the foundation for advanced courses in IC engines, gas turbines, refrigeration system, automobile engines and many others.
As a core lab, this lab offers an exploration of a variety of engines: starting from a simple 50cc-Luna engine to 1800cc-Car engine, and even a gas turbine. It has running engines as well as cut section engines to see how the internals work. And the engine capacity is not fixed, one can tweak it by changing the settings. An in-depth knowledge of IC engines opens several avenues for automobile-related jobs.
The aim of the Fluid mechanics and Hydraulic machines lab is used to understand the properties of fluids, its kinematic and dynamic behavior through various laws of fluids like continuity, Euler’s, Bernoulli’s equations, energy and momentum equations. Further, the student shall be able to understand the theory of boundary layer, working and performance characteristics of various hydraulic machines like pumps and turbines.
Basic manufacturing process lab is one of the parts of manufacturing technology which deals how the raw materials are converted into a final desired product. In this conventional manufacturing, technology lab provides the details of basic production skills. Manufacturing process lab consists of various machine techniques like machining, casting of ferrous materials, welding and rolling.
The basis for any machine is Mechanism or Mechanisms and it is an assemblage of kinematics links so that they move relative to each other in a definite manner for produce desired end outcome motion. The objective of this Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines lab is to impart practical knowledge in view of theoretical knowledge of Theory of Machines. Students can learn design and analysis of mechanisms for the specified type of motion in a machine.
Mechanisms and Machines lab is well equipped with various mechanical control devices and balancing of machines. In this lab, one should understand the dynamic behavior of moving kinematic links on output.
The strength of Material Laboratory provides the facilities for characterizing the ferrous and nonferrous materials and identification for different applications. This lab will demonstrate the strength of material principles and structural analysis to the students through experimentation.
The main purpose of a research laboratory in the engineering field is to provide students with the conceptual and theoretical knowledge to assist them to learn scientific concepts, and through scientific methods, to understand the engineering science in the society.
Research is being given equal importance in addition to academics, in the Department of Mechanical engineering, NIST. The Faculty members of the department carry out both core and interdisciplinary research with other departments of the institute. Broadly there are three research groups in the department which are detailed below.
Thermo – Fluid Research Group:
This is the largest group in the department, which is headed by Dr. Tapano Kumar Hotta. This group is being supported by other Faculty members like Dr. Pandab Patro, Mr. Arun Samantaray, Mr. Hemant Kumar Nayak, Mr. Alok Patra, Mr. Anish Kumar, Mr. Subhransu Sekhar Mallik, and Mr. Satyanarayana. The members are involved in projects both of experimental and numerical in nature. Most of the works are limited in designing small prototypes using CFD software like ANSYS. The group has also shown enough interest towards renewable energies like solar, and is working towards solar desalination and solar PV. This group looks after different UG laboratories like Heat transfer, Fluid mechanics and Hydraulic machines, IC engine, Renewable energy, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning (Going to be set up) etc. The members have also taken an initiative in setting up a wind tunnel research laboratory to carry out various projects, useful for the UG students of the institute.
Design and Material Characterization Group:
This group is headed by Dr. P.S.Rama Sreekanth, and is being supported by Mr. P. Kartheek, Ms. Ruma Roy, Mr. Santosh Kumar Sahu, Mr. Ashwini Kumar Khuntia, Mr. Shasanka Sekhar Dalai, Mr. Niteshdhar Badgayan and Mr. Sunil Kumar Panigrahy. The members look after different UG laboratories like Strength of material, Kinematics and Dynamics of machinery, Machine design, etc. At present, the group is actively involved in the generation and synthesis of nano-composites, sandwich composite beams, apart from working in other areas like robotics and machine kinematics. The members are also working towards fluid structure interaction, and their effect in material properties of the material. The group uses various commercial software like PRO-E, CATIA, and UNIGRAPHICS for designing different models. The group has recently procured a Robotic arm, 3D printing and scanning machine, and a high resolution microscope for the growth of their research potential.
Manufacturing Research Group:
This is the smallest group of the institute, which is headed by Mr. Kabiraj Pradhan, and is being supported by Mr. Nitesh Dhar. They use various high end machines like pneumatics and CNC, and look after in developing various prototypes and models for the UG students of the department. This group looks after laboratories like Material testing, Workshop etc. At present the group is actively involved in the research of shape memory alloy, welding, fracture mechanics and semiconductor coating.
Research is being given equal importance in addition to academics, in the Department of Mechanical engineering, NIST. The Faculty members of the department carry out both core and interdisciplinary research with other departments of the institute. Broadly there are three research groups in the department which are detailed below:-
Design and Material Characterization Group
Any branch of engineering cannot sustain without proper application of the principles of various physical sciences.
This is particularly true of Mechanical Engineering. It’s a discipline of engineering that applies not only the principles
of engineering but also of Physics and Materials Science for the study, analysis, design, development, construction and maintenance
of mechanical systems and devices manufactured by using heat and mechanical power.
One of the oldest disciplines of Engineering, this branch requires a thorough understanding of core concepts like Mechanics,
Thermodynamics, Materials Science, Electricity and Structural Analysis. With the help of computer-aided engineering, mechanical
engineers design and analyze manufacturing plants, medical devices, robotics, industrial equipment and machinery, transporting systems, heating and cooling systems, etc., which aid in the progression of the society besides making the lives of people better.
Thanks to their vast knowledge in areas like mechatronics, robotics, nanotechnology and composites, Mechanical Engineers can dream to pursue careers in a gamut of fields including aeronautics, metallurgy, petroleum, chemical, electrical, manufacturing, biomedical and biomechanics.