Institute Park, Berhampur, Odisha-761008, India

National Institute of Science and Technology

Recognized by Dept. of Higher Education, Govt. of Odisha and affiliated to Berhampur University


The inception of the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) is two decades old. The institute started with the mission to create quality scientists, engineers, managers and entrepreneurs to pursue innovative research in science and Technology. Presently this is a premier institute which fosters the quality education among the young generation especially in southern Odisha. It started with the engineering courses and presently it is a fully fledged Department.  Currently, the College of Sciences has 30+ faculty members. All the faculties are Doctorate and Post Doctorate degree holders from various reputed and prestigious Institutes/Universities of India as well across the Globe. Up to 2016, the College of Sciences was fully dedicated for the skill development of undergraduate as well as post graduate engineering students. In the year 2017, NIST started the new chapter by introducing M.Sc in Physics,Chemistry and Mathematics with its young and energetic faculty members. As an integral part of the M.Sc program, B.Sc (Physics,Chemistry and Mathematics Honours) is started in 2018. The College of Sciences is well known for its excellence in teaching and research as well. Apart from the teaching, the faculty members actively engaged in research and guiding the Ph.D., M. Sc. students. As the consequence many faculties of our college of Sciences have quite a good number of publications in various journals of National and International reputations. Many faculties are doing the collaborator work with the members of other Institutes/Universities. Some faculties got the research project grant from different organizations of Government of India like SERB(DST), NBHM(DAE).

Laboratory Facility:
The college of Sciences  has a well established computer laboratory in which students are taught basic programming languages like Program in C, Fortran, MatLab and Mathematica etc. Along with these the students are encouraged to learn some fundamental computational techniques which is useful for research work.Also it has Microwave lab,Device Fabrication Lab,VLSI Design lab,Optoelectronics Lab,Computing Lab,NI LabViewlab.


  Post Graduate Programs
Master in Science (M.Sc)
Slo No Courses duration Number of Seats
1 Physics 4 Semester 40
2 Chemistry 4 Semester 40
3 Mathematics 4 Semester 40
4 Data Science 4 Semester 40
5 Biotechnology* 4 Semester 40*
3 Computer Science* 4 Semester 40*
* Approval Pending
  Under Graduate Programs
Bachelor of Sciences (B.Sc)
Category Number of Seats
Physics (Hons) 32
Chemistry (Hons) 32
Computer Science(Hons) 48
Information Technology Management 32
Bachelor of Computer Application 60*
* Approval Pending

Students having an academic background of science at 10+2 level can pursue B.Sc program at NIST. We offer Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) Honours programs, under Berhampur University, only in physics, chemistry, Computer Science and ITM. Admissions are done on the basis of students' merit in 10+2 examinations in PCM (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics) stream through SAMS selection process.
For more information about admission, please visit Govt.of Odisha e-admission process:


Eligibility criteria for Admission into the above courses

The minimum qualifying degrees/subjects for admission to various courses offered under NIST are provided in the following table

Subject Qualifying Examination Subject(s) at the Qualifying Examination Remarks
PHYSICS B.Sc Physics & Mathematics/Chemistry/Electronics/Geology/Computer Science
CHEMISTRY B.Sc Chemistry and Physics/Mathematics/Environment & Water Management/Polymer Science
MATHEMATICS B.Sc Mathematics
Data Science B.Sc( Math, Statistics, IT, Computer Sc, Physics, Chemistry)/
BCA / BE / B.Tech
Mathematics and Computer Science  

Any applicant who has passed the qualifying degree examination (as indicated in above Table) or any other examination conducted by other Universities/Institutions which is recognized as equivalent there to by Berhampur University and fulfilling the minimum qualifying marks as in the below shall be eligible for admission into a course (unless otherwise specified in the Regulations).

Course Name Qualifying Degree General SC/ST (5% Relaxation)
M.Sc As per above table 50% in aggregate or in honours of the concerned Subject 40% in aggregate

Other Criteria

  • For candidates who have passed more than one qualifying examination, the examination in which they have secured the highest marks shall be considered for determining eligibility. The details of qualifying examinations and other requirements that a candidate has to satisfy while seeking admission into various courses are given in above Tables.
  • A Master’s degree holder of Berhampur University or of any other University in India or abroad shall not be considered for admission into M.Sc Courses of this university.
  • A student who has already completed a Post Graduate Course in a subject but either did not appear at the concerned examination for whatever reason or failed in the said examination shall not be considered for admission into M.Sc, courses of the P.G. Departments.
  • If an applicant has been a student of a course in any Department of Berhampur University, he/she will not be considered for admission into the same course of this university again.


  • The applicants, before applying for any of the above courses, are advised to carefully go through the Prospectus and visit the College Website ( to know about the profile of the College. They are also advised to visit the College Campus, NIST, Institute Park, Pallur Hills, Berhampur, Odisha, if so desired, to see for themselves, the available infrastructure and other facilities. If satisfied, they may apply for any of the courses as per their eligibility. Once admitted, making any unreasonable demand there after shall not be entertained and it shall be treated as an act of indiscipline.
  • An applicant with criminal antecedents involving moral turpitude shall not be admitted to any course. Suppression of facts in this regard shall make a candidate ineligible and admission of such candidates will be cancelled. The candidate has to submit an affidavit to this effect at the time of admission in non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.10/-duly sworn in before a Judicial Magistrate/Notary.
  • Admission to all the above courses shall be governed by the Regulations of the University.
  • Admission into all regular P.G. courses mentioned in the above table will be made through an Admission Test to be conducted by the NIST. The final selection of eligible candidates will be made based on the Career points (70% weightage) and marks secured in the Admission Test (30% weightage).
  • A candidate whose conduct is not satisfactory or with criminal antecedents shall NOT be considered for admission.
    Fifteen percent supernumerary seats shall be reserved in the P. G. Departments for international students including Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) out of which 5% shall be filled in by the children of the NRIs. These seats shall be exclusively meant for foreign students and under no circumstances any of the seats should be allocated to anyone else other than a foreign student (having a foreign passport). No candidate from a foreign country will be considered for admission unless his/her case has been sponsored by the relevant Department/Ministry, Government of India. The sponsored candidates will be required to submit in the prescribed proforma a Medical Fitness Certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner not below the rank of CDMO within a month of their provisional admission, besides such other documents as are required under the rules/instructions of the Government of India/Foreign students who have passed the qualifying examination from a foreign country, and taking admission in the P.G. departments have to pay Rs. 10,000/-along with other fees for the entire course. Further, a foreign student passing the qualifying examination from any Indian / Foreign University will have to satisfy the general Admission Rules.
    For the wards of Kashmiri migrants,the following concessions are extended:
    • Extension in the date of admission by about 30 days.
    • Relaxation in cut off percentage up to 10% (in admission test), subject to satisfying the minimum eligibility requirement.
    • Increase in the intake capacity up to 5% course-wise.
    • Waiving of domicile requirement.



Candidates seeking admission into various courses of NIST have to fill up online application form available at from (date to be decided) onwards and send the print copy of the system generated Application Form after signing in the last page TO THE ADMISSION COORDINATOR, NIST, PALLUR HILLS,BERHAMPUR by Speed/Registered post so as to reach on or before (date to be decided).
College authorities shall not be responsible for any postal delay. Incomplete application in any form shall be summarily rejected.


For admission into M.Sc Career points shall be awarded as below:

Examination Passed 1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class/Pass
H.S.C./10th Class 18 15 12
Intermediate/+2 25 18 12
i. Honours 50 40 --
ii. Pass -- -- 30
iii. Distinction 10 10 10

Note: For candidates passing as ‘Compartmental’, no career points shall be awarded in that examination.

Subjects in which Honours is offered at Graduation level will be given due credit under Honours category and career points will be calculated as per the above table while other subjects of qualifying examination will be given career points as applicable for pass category.


The Online Admission Portal will be opened after 10th June 2019 to facilitate the candidates to enter their qualifying degree marks (applicable only for those who have indicated "Appeared" against their qualifying degree while filling-up the online application form). All candidates must submit self-signed photocopies of marks sheets and certificates starting from 10th class onwards along with Aadhar card to the M.Sc Course Coordinator by Speed/Registered post so as to reach within 15 days of publication of +3 Final TDC results of Berhampur University or 5th July 2019 whichever is later.
The applicants are required to write "Application for admission to the P.G. Course in (Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics) subject" and the Admission Test Roll Number on the top of the envelope. College authorities shall not be responsible for any postal delay.
Applications incomplete in any respect shall not be considered.
Photocopies of following documents are to be enclosed:
Certificates and mark sheets of 10th, +2 and +3 Degree examinations /equivalent examinations.


Classes of the Part-I will commence on the date to be notified by the Course Coordinator, School of Sciences.

For more information, please contact:
   Admission Coordinator
   Contact Persons:-
   720532 NIST (720532 6478)  
   720533 NIST (720533 6478)  
   National Institute of Science & Technology (Autonomous)
   Institute Park, Pallur Hills, Berhampur, ODISHA-761008